
Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner Review: Self-Cleaning Mopping with Wiping Function 2021

Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner-mapping robotics are at home at present. In the present day, however, the pre-modern cleansing station, which cleans the mops that are wrapped up to the bottom.

Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum feature

Introduction of Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner

Narwal Robotics was then launched, just two years ago, by removing the world’s first vacuum robotic that could clean its microfiber cloth independently.

In general, the two rolling wiping pads at the bottom were still a rarity. Only, for reasons unknown to us, robotics in no way made it to us.

Design of Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner

To this day, we have no idea why no different (Chinese) producer has adapted this skill to date. Obviously, as a result of the Far East, people want to look left and right. You can also like Dreame F9 Vacuum

The Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner, like its predecessor, is made accessible by a self-cleaning included charging station, which can be made with some small and battery-charged as well as two 5-liter water tanks. For a dirty (brown tank), for freshwater (blue tank).

Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum design2

Narwal’s built-in algorithm detects when its two bottom-mounted mops pick up a lot of dirt that needs to be cleaned during the mopping operation.

Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum feature2-min

When this happens, it instantly makes its way back to its charging station where its microfiber cloth is washed which then goes back to work. Only recent water replenishment and emptying of waste containers do not work autonomously here.

Feature of Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner

The Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner navigates through accurate laser spatial measurements. This is accomplished with a built-in SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) logarithm, which allows robotics to create and display visible maps of the premises within the corresponding app.

Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum

The main focus of the Narwal robot is mopping performance. If you don’t want to do mopping, you can probably look at cheap vacuum robots safely.

Technical knowledge, features, and, strictly speaking, knowledge in the article here as well as in every little thing is lacking about mannequins to this day.

Narwal J1 Pro feature

Of these, religion must be elevated, so at this level, I will put forward a hypothesis that may be completely wrong or spot-on: the Narwal J1 Pro, like the early Norwal, has unveiled kids sneakers, and is now launching worldwide.

Pros and Cons of Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner

  • Working not great


At first, Narwal J1 Pro Vacuum Cleaner didn’t have an actual product identity, here we have one now. I assume that this is the same robotic, can only be modified into software programs, and is now finally accessible for us to order. Maybe I just hope so want to know Narwal in the extra living room!


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